1. Replacement or upgrade of an existing overhead service cable.

    If your current overhead service cable is showing signs of deterioration or has faults, we can enhance it by replacing it with a newer and larger size cable. Additionally, we offer the option to upgrade from a single-phase cable to a multi-phase one, accommodating an increased voltage load for applications such as three-phase air-conditioning, industrial motors, cooling and pump rooms, as well as home extensions.

  2. Replacement or upgrade of an existing underground service cable.

    Ensuring your safety and that of the public, the replacement of your underground service cable may become necessary due to defects or deterioration. We offer the option to upgrade to a larger size cable capable of handling higher voltages, or to transition from a single-phase cable to a multi-phase cable to meet increased load requirements. This ensures the secure operation of appliances such as three-phase air-conditioning units, industrial motors, cool rooms, freezer rooms, and lighting in home extensions.

  3. Installation of a new overhead service cable

    If you need new power supplies connected at newly established business or residential premises, we're here to assist. Whether it's the first-time connection of power supplies or routine installations, we specialise in both underground and overhead power line installation and maintenance. Whether you require the installation of high voltage (HV) or low voltage (LV) power cables, we have the expertise to meet your needs.

  4. Installation of a new underground service cable with under road bores.

    If the installation of an overhead service cable is impractical or prohibited, we can assist you in devising a viable solution. For instance, on farms, it is often advisable to install service lines underground to mitigate the risk of accidental damage from machinery. In addition to safety considerations, you may opt for an underground service cable for environmental or aesthetic reasons. Whatever your power requirements, we possess the expertise, workforce, and resources to ensure a safe and minimally disruptive implementation.

  5. Installation or replacement of service poles.

    If power poles on your private property have degraded or pose safety concerns, we can address the situation according to your requirements, budget limitations, and safety standards. Immediate attention is crucial if the structural integrity of power supply poles is compromised, such as the risk of them falling over. Additionally, we offer services to install a new overhead service line or extend an existing service line.

  6. Installation or replacement of customer supply pits or pillars.

    Should you require a connection point for a new underground service, or if your existing pit or pillar is damaged or necessitates relocation, we have devised cost-effective solutions to address this issue on your behalf. Feel free to reach out to us for assistance.